My next "ME" I want to list is none other than one of the most famous names in the motorcycle industry, Athena Ransom, "Chickie" from Vagabond Choppers. When I first opened Diva Customs, I was out running errands one day when I got a call from my now husband, Jason. He asked when I was gonna be back at the shop because I had a visitor waiting for me; I told him that I had just finished up and was making my way back to the shop already. When I asked who the visitor was, thinking it was another sales person wanting me to buy something I didn't want, he calmly said "Athena". Athena?...like THE Athena? She is there now at my shop? Yep...well needless to say I kicked the speed up a little bit and made my way back to the shop as fast as I could. And there she stood, in my little shop in Virginia Beach, Va.
She had just finished to a TV special in New York and was in town visiting her mother. Well, Athena might not have known much about me, but I sure recognized her name. She opened Vagabond Chopper Company in Deerfield Beach Florida with her now husband, Don Ransom. Athena is a well accomplished bike builder, and I mean "builder". She doesn't just point her finger and tell someone to put something together for her...nope...if you stop in her shop you will probably find her standing beside a lift with a tool in her hand. She has even created her own parts line "Hearts" featuring several parts in the shape of a heart. She has donated countless "woman hours" in building bikes for charities along with being a business owner, wife and mother!
But my favorite side of Athena...she is one of the coolest women in the business. She is super friendly and never tires of answering questions about motorcycles or anything else you might want to talk about. So when you get a chance, look up Athena at www.VegabondChoppers.com or google her name...you will find tons of information about this special lady...my "Motorcycle Elite".